Winsor & Newton Winsor Orange Artists 37ml Oil Colour series 2


Winsor & Newton Artists Oil Colour 37ml Paint Tube Quinacridone Magenta S2

Winsor & Newton Artists’ Oil Colour is unmatched for its purity, quality and reliability – a success which is reflected in its world-wide reputation amongst professional artists.

Artists’ Oil Colour is an oil colour of the highest quality offering the highest level of pigmentation consistent with the broadest handling properties. The use of only the purest pigments ensures the cleanest, brightest colours, which in turn produces the best colour mixtures.

Artists’ Oil Colour is renowned for its buttery consistency, that can retain brush or palette knife marks. Alternatively, it can be thinned to give the very finest glazes.

Winsor Orange
SKU: 50904945 Categories: , Tag:


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